Friday 5 July 2013

SOS: Help a fellow Chuckster out!!!

I really hate to use this medium of communication for a such selfish agenda but I am JUST that desperate!!! :-(

 I am currently travelling around the United States and Canada. As we speak I am in Washington DC on July 4th...sounds cool right?!?  Just one problem....FREAKING INTERMITTENT WI-FI AND NO GLOBAL DATA ROAMING!!! :'( :@ (yeah yeah 1st word problems what a sissy I am)

  I feel cut off from my fellow Chuckster and NERD tweeps :-B and things like the Nerd Machine. 

I will cut to the chase... I am desperate to get into the some panels at the NerdHQ in San Diego this month (Especially if there is a CHUCK panel). I will be in San Diego but I am freaking that due to my wi-fi issues I will miss a Nerd Machine tweet/update and totally miss out on panel tickets.

So can I please ask anyone and everyone in the know to "holler at me" (is that what the cool kids say?!?) when they see an announcement?? I will owe you a remarkable debt of gratitude...

You all know how to get me, just hit me up on Twitter @moggyvouk_82

Chuck fans are the best and I look forward to see as many of you as humanly possible in SDCC/NerdHQ!!! 

I will keep you updated on my progress...

Till next time
