Just to bring a different spin to the blog and perhaps separate it from other CHUCK blogs out there, I have decided to start a series of posts about different characters from CHUCK and comparing them to different Football (Futbol) teams. Not sure why I have decided to do this other then that I enjoy making comparisons and links between the things I feel passionate about. CHUCK and Football are two of my stronger passions so here goes...

Seriously, was he going to be anything else? Those of you who aren’t Arsenal supporters may just be face-palming at this premise but please hang with me.
Chuck is smart, nerdy and loves a good plan to dismantle whatever threat is in his way. Where as Arsenal are a cerebral football fan's dream, passing the ball around with a series of intricate one-touch lay-offs, through balls and slide-rule passes. A lot of the times Chuck/Arsenal are playing chess while the opposition are playing checkers. Seeing Chuck bring a plan together can be as awesome as a Robin van Persie volley…truly awe-inspiring.
Chuck is also a paragon of virtue who abides by his moral code even to his own detriment and by extension those he loves as well. Without getting too technical Arsenal has a similar resolve relating to the way they play and conduct themselves as business; from a capped wage structure and fiscally responsible transfer policy. In a world of moral grey areas and financial doping Chuck & Arsenal try to keep the moral compass as close to true north as possible.

Where do I start with the Brilliant Oranje or should that be the Brilliant Oranje Oranje?
Dutch football has been described as Sexy football or Total football; now replace the word “Football” with the words “kick-ass spy” and you totally have Sarah Walker! The Dutch team are renowned for their flair, adaptability and use of space in football. I don’t know about you guys but I think Sarah always rocks the space she is working in! Dutch football and Dutch footballers have been responsible for some of the most breathtaking things ever seen of a football field & Sarah Walker is responsible for a lot of the breathtaking stuff we’ve seen on Chuck.
There are certain players who have played for both Arsenal & the Netherlands who are in a very special bracket of players who I do/have followed with a similar dedication to Chuck and Sarah; namely Dennis Bergkamp & Robin van Persie. In fact if you listen to this commentary from Bergkamp’s match winning goal in the 1998 World Cup Quarter Final vs. Argentina. The first commentator does bring his intensity close to what I am sure most Chuck fans felt in the end of “Chuck vs. The Other Guy”; Both occurred in France…coincidence?...I think not!!
John Casey is Germany (National Team)

He just does what it takes to win in an efficient fashion usually by following orders and keeping it simple…tranc & explode mostly! Like the Die Mannschaft, he is often written off as a one trick pony but the truth is he has multiple skills he could use, but why use them if all you need to do is win the day?
The other reason I like the Casey/Germany comparison has to do with Casey and Sarah’s relationship being similar to that of German and Dutch Football. Perhaps to not as heated; but Casey never misses a chance to bust Sarah’s chops for whatever reason. Much the same as Germany continues to remind the Dutch of the multiple world cups they have won and the lack Dutch world cups despite the “Sexy Football”.
Bryce Larkin is FC Barcelona (Spanish Liga)
Bryce Larkin is the best spy in the Chuck-verse…I said it!!
Just because both statements are the truth, doesn’t mean I have to like it; as they say the truth hurts…a lot.
Both Barca & Bryce have a swaggering confidence and air of superiority and why wouldn't they? They do what they do better then anyone else. If FC Barcelona was a person that person would be Bryce Larkin with his designer stubble, flawless features, animal magnetism, smooth-talking, good with the ladies…it’s enough to make you sick! Add to that the fact the guy can handle himself in a fight and is great with a gun!
Seriously how can one man be that good? He just is…and so is Barca sadly. I wouldn’t mind it so much but for the only character blemish which is humility (lack there of). But then again it is hard to be humble when you are perfect in every way!!
This is still a very raw topic with former Arsenal FC captain Cesc Fabregas leaving this month to play for FC Barcelona (which is his hometown club). The way Barca has treated Arsenal in the past reminds me of how Bryce treats Chuck in the show. By that I mean Bryce insists he is Chuck’s friend but is continually condescending towards the Chuckster. Don’t get me started on his constant attempts to win over Sarah right under Chuck’s nose even though he knows Sarah and Chuck have feelings for each other. Nobody like a grass-cutter Bryce; you’d do well to remember that too Barca!!
Having said that nobody can doubt Barca play the game on the pitch better then any other, same as nobody can doubt that Bryce Larkin is the best spy you can find to defend a country…which is more then I can say for either this next guy or team…
Daniel Shaw is Real Madrid (Spanish Liga)

But I dislike the arrogance both Shaw and Madrid display. Madrid’s coach Jose Mourinho and star player Christiano Ronaldo make a habit of antagonising Arsenal (and various other opponents) much the same as Daniel Shaw does with Chuck.
The history of Real Madrid is very interesting and here is perhaps not the best forum to discuss it further but let me just say the following video makes me very happy…
Well that is just a few of these to whet your appetite, if you are a Barca or Madrid fan I hope you don't take too much offence; just having a bit of fun. I hope to be back with more of these CHUCK FC comparisons soon. I have at least another 13 characters or so planned to discuss.
Did I get the first five characters right; or do you think they match up with another football team better?
Feel free to add predictions for what teams you think I will compare other characters to...if you guess right I will give you a shout-out on the blog!
Also please keep commenting on what you thought I got right, wrong or even what I need to do better...
Stay Aces
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