Thursday, 25 August 2011

What to call this?

Firstly, welcome everybody to blog!

I plan for Cheerful Symmetry to be my CHUCK-tastic outlet for all my random thoughts about the greatest show to grace our TV screens ever...The Wire...just kidding everybody knows I mean CHUCK!

This blog is my tribute to the show and I plan share with whoever is reading this (which lets face it; could be just be me!!) my random thoughts about the things that make CHUCK great. From the actors, characters, music and random bits of miscellaneous awesomeness; I will take the blog in a few unexpected directions and I would love as many chucksters as possible to join me on the journey! 

I am about as bigger Charah (Chuck & Sarah) 'shipper you will likely find. Fellow 'shippers you will definitely get a Charah fix here!

But for all you others looking for more then just Charah; don't be put off!  I plan to discuss a lot more then just the epicness of Mr. & Ms Bartowski (or Walker).

My hardest decision so far has been what to name this first I didn't want anything to obvious but it still had to have some element of CHUCK in it. I was going to go with "Two Ravens in the Old Oak Tree" in honour of my favourite song from the show... Signs by Bloc Party

However, I assumed with a song that good it would already be taken...So I went even more cryptic and looked a way to Intersect some of my other tastes into the blog! I am not very poetic person but my favourite poem is The Tyger by William BlakeAnyone who knows me is aware that my love of animals in particular Tigers pre-dates all of my other obsessions!

So I put a CHUCK (or in this case Charah) spin on it!

Charah Charah burning bright?...NAH

Fearful Symmetry...there is a symmetry to the Chuck and Sarah relationship but it's not exactly fearful, it makes me happy...cheerful even!

Cheerful Symmetry...It's so cheesy and could work, I like lame and cheesy!

As for the next part...I simply loved the title of the book (& movie) Love in the time of Cholera and I thought "Love in the time of Charah" just sounds cool!!

I next needed a image or background for the blog it need to be Charah but symmetrical...Is that asking too much?  At first I thought I would use my favourite Charah screencap on Chuck and Sarah drinking coffee in their cabin on the train in the seminal CHUCK episode "Chuck versus the Honeymooners"

But then I come across epic, so symmetrical!!

And so a blog was born!!

Till next time everybody...STAY ACES!!


*Please comment, any feedback is cool by me, this my first attempt at I blog so I can only get better at this...right? 


  1. Great start! And how can it not be when your first blog posting contains wherein a great song. Bookmarked this and will check back often. Expectations now :-)

  2. Hey Moggy!

    I like the blog, and the background picture is nice...

    One thing, though: It doesn't really match your text at the beginning. I'd either go with a picture header or change your heading text color, as I had to highlight them to separate them from the background.

    But I like the title, and I can't wait to see what's coming!

    - Frea
