Blogger's Note: It comes as no surprise to you guys that I obsess over many aspects CHUCK constantly, one area in particular is the music which I think is brilliant; I have yet to meet or speak to a fan of the show that doesn't agree. I am at the point now where I hear a song and think..."you know what? This song would be great on CHUCK!"
However, the Bands of Charah blogs are a little different, they will focus on two songs from one band (or singer)...each of the songs describe the Chuck and Sarah relationship but one will be Chuck's point of view and the other from Sarah's!
Just like at their wedding; each had different vows to put into words the depth of love, honour and respect for the other. The choice of songs will reflect that, the songs may reflect how they've felt about each other now, previously or always...anyways if I do my job and write it properly; you will understand what I mean!
Ok so the first band to get the Bands of Charah treatment is Northern Ireland's own Snow Patrol, I could have chosen any number of Songs from the album "Eyes Open" in particular Chasing Cars and Open your eyes are both great songs but neither were chosen only 2 tracks could make the cut...I am so sure of the two songs I have chosen that I believe you could read the lyrics of both songs and instantly see Chuck and Sarah written all over them!
Chuck's Choice: Signal Fire
Album: Spiderman 3 Official Motion Picture Soundtrack
The Perfect words never crossed Chuck's mind...'cause there was nothing but Sarah!!
Right from the moment Chuck downloaded the intersect he found himself wrapped up in a world of lies, spies, death and mayhem...a world Chuck was not equipped to deal with! But through it all Sarah (and Casey) has been there to help him to deal with it and not freak out!
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The only resolution and the only joy...Is the faint spark of forgiveness in your eyes |
Early on Sarah realised just how different Chuck was from any other asset and more so than Casey she took it upon herself to make sure she guided him to safety on each mission. Sarah's investment in both the physical and mental well-being of the Human Intersect in the early days of Operation Bartowski saved Chuck more time I think then any other regular handler. It was of course not the Human Intersect who was Sarah's main concern it was Chuck the man..."her Chuck" but Beckman and Casey didn't have to know that!!
The world of lies, spies and national security can change people no matter how honest or heroic they may be...Chuck is no different; but luckily he's always had Agent Sarah Walker!
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Hold me close, 'cause I need to guide me to safety |
She is Chuck's "Signal Fire" and despite her willingness to do whatever it takes to takes to save the day she knows Chuck is not wired that way and she has ALWAYS been there to be his moral in Versus the Tic-Tac where Chuck could have easily killed the ring agents going after Casey's ex-wife.
In many way's Sarah's belief has made Chuck a better man... a great man even! Chuck will be the first to admit he couldn't do it without (his Signal Fire) Sarah holding him close and guiding him to safety.
Sarah's Choice: You're All I Have
Album: Eyes Open
This song just has primal urgency and passion that I associate with Sarah's love for is like Chuck's love has created a chance for Sarah to live the life she always wanted but never knew she could a have. After Chuck is her home...and always has been!
This song is about Sarah never wanting to lose this and the intense feeling of desperation that the thought of losing Chuck creates my favourite examples are Versus the Marlin and Phase 3. When this does actually occur; Sarah gets all fight and no flight...I mean bad ass does not even come close to describing it!! She tore up an entire freaking country for him and I can guarantee you no pita girl is safe... Sarah has no fear because Chuck is all she has and quite frankly she is not sure a life without him is a life she wants to live!
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Just give me something to hold onto... |
From what we can tell Sarah never had a great family life and whilst Chuck's family wasn't exactly perfect either he had Morgan, Ellie and Devon to lean on when time got tough...Sarah never had this luxury, she had the CIA. But now Chuck's family is her family and she has no plans of letting go...ever!
She knows how much of a gift and blessing both Chuck and his family (...HER family now too) are. Family is what you make of it and you will have to go a very long way to find one as loyal and committed to each other as the extended Bartowski (Woodcomb, Casey & Grimes) family; this for me was my favourite part of Versus The Business Trip.
These songs tell the story of why the Chuck and Sarah relationship is so great...epic even!!
Sarah helped unlock Chuck's potential (and in many ways his true calling) as a hero and a leader; it was Sarah who always there to guide him along the way and we've lost count of the number of time she has saved him (physically & emotionally)!!
Chuck has shown Sarah that she not only can have a real life with the man she loves... but that she DESERVES a real life with unconditional love and a family to boot! Chuck showed her the power of love and trust, why it is so special and how it can spur you on to greater heights.
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Under your skin feels like home... |
Together they have saved each other countless times and best of all the make each other a better people! Without a doubt Charah is so much more than the sum of their parts; what they have is so brilliant I have created a word description in their honour... Reciprocally Awesome!!
ALERT: Moggy's Public Awareness Soapbox
PS: I also wanted to give a shout-out to all other Movember participants; congratulations on a job well done! With the month coming to the end tomorrow...I am definitely looking forward to shaving off my terrible excuse for a moustache!! But it was definitely worth it to raise awareness (and money) for such a worthy cause, men's health issues are not often discussed; issues like Prostate Cancer and Male Depression need to be talked about more often!
It is still deeply ingrained in the male culture (especially in Australia) that to suffer in silence is a sign of strength and to speak about you problems is to show weakness...but to me wanting to stick around with those you love no matter how difficult it may be takes courage!!
So guys out there get checked out and stay healthy or if you are feeling to somebody!!
You owe it to yourself and you it to those who love you!!
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