Friday 23 December 2011

Twelve Days of Chuck-mas

Bloggers Note: This is just a very simple Christmas post from me as a Chuckster who loves the show. Following the lead of Chuck's favourite romance/Christmas movie "Love Actually" I will tell the truth this Christmas and give in to my Obsessive CHUCK Disorder; nothing too creative or well-constructed just pure Chuck-ish fluff.

So even though I am mostly writing this for myself, consider this my Christmas gift to you the Chucksters who read the blog! Please enjoy and I hope you have a happy and safe Christmas/Holiday period!

So here we go and to avoid getting repetitive I have skipped right to the 12th day of Christmas... 

 On the Twelfth day of Christmas Schwartz & Fedak gave to me...

Twelve Beckman briefings

Eleven Ellies embracing

Ten Morgans zooming

Nine Buymorians dancing

Eight Sarahs nursing

Seven Captain Awesomes

Six Caseys grunting

Five broken Ring's (agents)

Four Jeffster songs

Three french kisses

Two Wedding vows

...And Charah on a train journey

So there we go; I hope you enjoyed it! I just threw it together a little lame and saccharine... but Christmas can be sweet & sappy!!

Once again best wishes for the Festive Season...may the holidays be good to you and make sure you all be good to those you love!

PS: Those on Twitter, don't forget to tweet your #OneWordReview on Chuck versus The Santa Suit ...looking forward to it, the anticipation is building!!

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