Friday, 30 December 2011

Songs for the mystery that is Sarah...

Hi Guys,

Short post on the back of Five Chunks of Chuck review...

I just wanted to share these couple of songs that remind me about our favourite sexy kick-ass ninja spy Sarah Walker (Bartowski) considering we are less than a day out from Chuck Versus The Baby, which could possibly be the next great Sarah mythology episode of CHUCK.

Sarah by Eskimo Joe

Great Song by this Aussie band coming from Fremantle in Western Australia. It talks of girl of mystery called Sarah and it seems Chuck could easily be singing this song about Agent Walker right from when he first met her in Season 1. I mean the first line of the song is ...Sarah, won't you tell me your name!!

Recommended listening after Chuck versus The Wookie

Sarah, Won't you tell me your name?

I don't know if anyone asked me the reason I lied... she sighed

Radioactive by Kings of Leon

I had heard this song previously but It wasn't until I saw the KOL live in concert last month that this song really resonated with me. Seeing the song performed live was such a visceral, emotional and raw experience. Can't really explain fully but the song reminds me of Sarah and the Sarah-centric CHUCK episodes so very much.

Perhaps because she keeps her life before the CIA so guarded and secret even from Chuck. But you can never really escape your past, after all it's where you came from!

Chuck like most of us doesn't totally understand why Sarah keeps her past so secretive; he has grown to love Sarah Walker for everything she is and stands for. So it is only natural he wants her to embrace her past and what makes Sarah who she is today. Like Chuck said about Jack Burton; he must have done something right at least in part to make Sarah who she is...

It's in the's where you came from

You're the rose that's called from yonder...never sold yourself away

The Sons and Daughters in all their glory... it's gonna shape them

Where you came from...

Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Five Chunks of CHUCK vs The Santa Suit

1. Christmas and CHUCK are through!!

I was really hoping that this would be the one totally happy CHUCK Christmas episode we never had; but alas it wasn't to be. Let's run through the other Christmas Episodes of CHUCK so far...

  • Crown Vic (Season 1): Chuck & Sarah were dealing with the aftermath of Bryce resurrection and THAT KISS plus the stupid Lon Kirk fight; which ruined any chance of Chuck getting a kiss from Sarah under the Mistletoe! But we did have the brilliant Buy More Dancing scene which I re-enact every chance I get (Lucky you can't see me while I type... because I am doing it right now).

There ain't no party like a Buy More Party!

  • Santa Claus (Season 2): My opinion on this episode has changed in the last year or so, initially I thought of it as a scary & chilling Christmas episode with Sarah executing Mauser and all (Silent Night will never be the same).  But after watching this episode more and more I totally agree Sarah had to kill Mauser, I totally get that. In many ways this action was Sarah's Christmas gift to Chuck; whilst not as shiny as a charm bracelet it did keep Chuck safe & with his family and not in a bunker. An act of love by Sarah just as touching as Chuck giving Sarah his Mother's Charm Bracelet. It may sound morbid or twisted but Sarah was willing take a life and bear the consequences because of her love of Chuck perhaps more so than her duty to the intersect project. What upset me with the episode though was Chuck's sudden fear and questioning of Sarah's character and then there was Sarah lying to Chuck... again with the crap communication skills. 

What to get the nerd who has everything... how about one less mortal enemy!

  • The Leftovers (Season 4): Chuck tries to fix things with his Mom but only proceeds to pooch things up even further; putting Ellie & Devon in danger and forcing his Mom back into the clutches of Volkoff.  Not really the best way to spend Christmas, plus Chuck was in procrastinating phase of his marriage proposal plan and made us wait until after the CHUCK sabbatical in early 2011 to see his proposal. 

So in Santa Suit we get some really great action (Shaw getting his ass kicked!) but we didn't get a Christmas where Chuck & Sarah just enjoy each other and the company of friends to reflect on what occurred earlier in the episode. Instead we get Beckman interrupting during the middle of the Christmas party to tell Sarah that Shaw wanted to speak to her... what the piece of trash couldn't wait till tomorrow or the day after to speak Sarah? How many life sentences is he serving again?

All in all I thought the episode was strong, good even but I just felt the writing pooched up the Sarah & Chuck relationship parts of the episode. Sorry but in addition to getting the bracelet back for Sarah, Chuck totally would have got her a gift (probably in July).  The writing for Sarah in particular was off in the episode; but Yvonne's performance in isolation was still great.

I guess just as in real life nothing is 100% perfect; even Christmas on CHUCK... but Chuck Versus The Honeymooners is really really close to perfection!

The happenings in the episode does fit with my theory for this season's theme on CHUCK being that Chuck and Sarah will continue to find it extremely hard to build a "real-life" in the outside world as long as they continue as spies. I won't say a reckoning is coming, that is much too dark... but a shining epiphany perhaps?

Somebody needs to explain the taboo of re-gifting to Chuck

2. Casey & Beckman show a softer side at Christmas

Casey (aka Sugar Bear) gets Alex Mr Pippers "the preppy polar bear" plush toy, excellent choice Colonel! Though the bear does remind me just a little of the very spooky Teddy Ruxpin toy from the 80's. However just when you think Casey is starting to mellow on us... he breaks out of lockdown in Castle to help Morgan save Sarah (the best damn partner he ever had) despite being shot... FREAKING SHOT people!! John Casey is still in the top echelon of bad-asses.

Not to be outdone General Dianne Beckman was remarkable again this week showing loyalty and friendship to Chuck & company. Once again using her status with the NSA to get Chuck the required information and the Macau device to save Sarah. To think this was the same General who ordered Casey to eliminate Chuck the moment the NSA/CIA had a new intersect up and running. I love the dynamic of Beckman and Chuck working together both are master strategists who are quick thinking and ready to execute a plan in an instant.

The emotional journey Casey, Beckman and especially Sarah has taken since meeting Chuck is quite remarkable. It seems the adorable schnook's ability to heartwarm is undeniable despite the life & death situations he finds himself in.

On the other hand as the saying goes, "the more things change the more they stay the same". Casey can still kick-ass with the same grunt and swagger, Beckman is still as commanding and driven as ever and Sarah... well Sarah still loves to keep secrets (I usually don't comment on promos for the upcoming ep in these reviews, but I had to drop that in).

3. Jeffster come up big for Chuck

Who can stop the Omen Virus? Perhaps the Piranha could have handled it; but he had bigger fish to fry. Enter the world's wackiest & weirdest cover-band; they also happen to have some pretty leet (1337) programming skills. What other band could belt out a sweet cover of "Mr Roboto" yet still understand C++ computer language to tackle the Omen? Not many... if any, that's who! The bonus is they will work for Subway sandwiches & coffee... a whole lot of coffee. Chuck did have most of his assets frozen by the US Government so he needs to save money where he can.

"Unplugged" or "Plugged in" no other duo has constantly saved the day like these two but still have absolutely no idea that they were doing it!

4. She is Eleanor Woodcomb, and just like us... she hates Shaw too!

Put your hands up if you expected Shaw to be dead by the end of the episode? I definitely did, I can't remember hating a fictional character so much EVER!

OK so that lousy piece of driftwood didn't take a dirt-nap; but at least it was pretty cool that Ellie got to tee-off on Shaw upside the head! The guy killed her Dad and was about to kill her Brother so she swung for the fences and would have been justified to do more. Not many can take down the SuperShaw aka "The Man of Timber" but Ellie Woodcomb is a real Wonder Woman!

I must admit I did appreciate the symmetry with Ring II; Chuck is a pretty luck guy when you consider the two most important women in his life are willing to dish out severe head injuries with steel weapons to Shaw (or anybody threatening our favourite nerd).

I think we need to mention Sarah Lancaster who is such a brilliant actress and any chance she gets to make Ellie shine, she does so with aplomb. It is always cool to see the brother and sister bonding moments on CHUCK.

Saving me is a great gift El, but seriously... did you get me Arkham City on X-box?

5. Chuck saves the day, as only Chuck can

Chuck makes a plan, Chuck follows through and Chuck saves the day...that is just how that nerd rolls.

Chuck outsmarted Shaw that was a given; Shaw may be a great spy but in a battle of wits & smarts the contest is more one sided then the eternal battle between hammer and nail, Chuck is operating at a level above Shaw. However what was rewarding to see was Chuck kicking Shaw's wooden ass up and down the Buy More!! The push-ups and the heavy bag work paid off, so much so that for most of the fight Chuck was like a buzzsaw cutting though that lousy lump of lumber otherwise known as Shaw.

Eventually Shaw does get the drop on Chuck and resorts to pulling a gun on him; but one thing Chuck has that Shaw never will.... FAMILY that has his back! This time it was Ellie and many times before it has been Sarah, Casey and even Morgan.

Shaw never had what takes to beat Chuck; because you are never fighting just Chuck!! When you are with Team Bartowski... you never walk alone!

Despite the darkness of the episode, I appreciated the sentiment it delivered. Life can be hard and it can get difficult... complicated even; but if you are lucky enough the love of friends and family can see you through. After all it was Christmas and nothing beats family at Christmas!

Christmas with the family is great but it can be a little tiring
 PS: For me the lead up to the new year is often a time of reflection on the year's experiences (good, bad, happy and sad). But I just want to wish all you guys and gals reading this a happy new year! May 2012 bring you all the happiness & success I know each of you deserve. I hope you all have a blast on NYE and to see you all back here next year.

Friday, 23 December 2011

Twelve Days of Chuck-mas

Bloggers Note: This is just a very simple Christmas post from me as a Chuckster who loves the show. Following the lead of Chuck's favourite romance/Christmas movie "Love Actually" I will tell the truth this Christmas and give in to my Obsessive CHUCK Disorder; nothing too creative or well-constructed just pure Chuck-ish fluff.

So even though I am mostly writing this for myself, consider this my Christmas gift to you the Chucksters who read the blog! Please enjoy and I hope you have a happy and safe Christmas/Holiday period!

So here we go and to avoid getting repetitive I have skipped right to the 12th day of Christmas... 

 On the Twelfth day of Christmas Schwartz & Fedak gave to me...

Twelve Beckman briefings

Eleven Ellies embracing

Ten Morgans zooming

Nine Buymorians dancing

Eight Sarahs nursing

Seven Captain Awesomes

Six Caseys grunting

Five broken Ring's (agents)

Four Jeffster songs

Three french kisses

Two Wedding vows

...And Charah on a train journey

So there we go; I hope you enjoyed it! I just threw it together a little lame and saccharine... but Christmas can be sweet & sappy!!

Once again best wishes for the Festive Season...may the holidays be good to you and make sure you all be good to those you love!

PS: Those on Twitter, don't forget to tweet your #OneWordReview on Chuck versus The Santa Suit ...looking forward to it, the anticipation is building!!

Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Five Chunks of CHUCK

Versus The Curse

1. Chuck, you are not are an idiot

Casey is right really are a moron at times! My brother often playfully teases me with the comment that I am "the dumbest smart person he knows"... it makes me laugh but for this week I am handing the award to Chuck, especially how he was written in the episode.

In my opinion, the writers of this ep really pooched it on this one! There is no way that after everything Chuck and Sarah have been through that Chuck wouldn't give Sarah the chance to help him get Ellie & Devon back. Surely by going into a foreign country & tearing it apart just to save Chuck should have earned Sarah some credit with our favourite nerd.

Only a real MORON would upset this lady...

Chuck's intention of going out and sacrificing himself to save his loved ones from the Bartowski curse is so lame because of the simple fact; "Chuck being Chuck" has made his mark on the lives of all within Team Bartowski/Carmichael Industries. Sarah didn't call Chuck "her home" because it sounded cool to say; but because she genuinely felt he has enriched her life and gave it more more meaning than if she was just a spy... she now has a husband and a family. Chuck leaving to save Ellie & Awesome with the Omen Virus without telling Sarah was selfish; for starters she agreed with Chuck and like I said Ellie & Awesome are her family too and she deserves a say in how the team gets them back.

It made watching the episode a really frustrating experience; in some ways it was like watching my favourite soccer (Football/Futbol) team Arsenal when they are having a bad day. They are so skillful and have the talent to breakdown any threat but often fall into the trap of not being patient or logical when things go against them, they can lose confidence.  Translation they are a smart team but have a tendency to panic and play dumb... sound familiar?

2. Sarah Bartowski (Walker): Great Spy...Better Wife!

Some nerds have all the luck!

Let's see in this episode Chuck lied to Sarah, Chuck went against Sarah's expressed wishes and then let the Omen Virus out into the world...did I miss anything?

Yet after all this Sarah showed up at the warehouse with Casey laying the smack down & putting boots to CIA asses as only they can...after all "rescuing Bartowski's is their business". Despite all Chuck put her through with this...she still doesn't like anyone trying to hurt Chuck as Robin Cutting's pistol-whipping indicates. I have said it before and I will say it again Sarah has come along way since entering the Burbank Buy More. She is a caring, understanding, loyal and (lucky for him) forgiving wife and partner to Chuck...but she's still scary enough that threats to hunt him down (and possibly shoot him) need to be taken seriously.

Like all great partnerships there is give and take where one has to be understanding of the other; in this episode Sarah came through for Chuck. In Family Volkoff it was Chuck who saved the day with his inspired prenuptial agreement.

Sarah is right, fate doesn't rely on curses or luck but on the choices we make; Chuck and Sarah choose each other and to be awesome together (eventually in Chuck's case) stupid Bartowski curse can stand up to that!

Chuck was fortunate Sarah CHOSE to kiss him rather than kick his ass!

3. Morgan gets schooled in Alex!

Well done Alex, it seems the Casey apple didn't fall far from the tree! The show played out its own nature versus nurture experiment here and results seems to favour nature!

In a tense situation with the rest of the team relying on them we have Morgan, a spy who has been trained by the 3 best agents the CIA & NSA and joining him is Alex, a civilian who has not been trained but is John Casey's (Alex Coburn) daughter. So which of these two is the best spy under pressure?  Alex McHugh is of course; she is calm but serious in a very tense situation where as Morgan was over-eager as usual!

Casey already is so proud of his daughter but seeing Alex keep Morgan on leash whilst keeping the mission on-track despite the difficult situation in which she found herself would have elicited a very special grunt of approval from the Colonel.

4. Beckman & Casey- NSA dynamic duo

It was really cool to see some Casey & Beckman together in the same place rather than different sides of the video screen. This kind of thing happens less and less since Team Bartowski became Carmichael Industries. I just love the way the two play off each other. Being a Soccer fan, a lot of attacking partnerships in the game are built on a combining a good tall player and a good small player together. The bigger player usually provides strength and presence and the shorter player provides pace, trickery and skill. Maybe just maybe Fedak and Schwartz subscribe to this same theory with Casey and Beckman!

I mean we have this huge hulking bear of a man who loves nothing more than imposing his dominance on terrorists or beating the stuffing out of insurgents... yet this lady of small stature can bring him to heel with just a look. Such is Casey's respect not just for her rank but also for the way she conducts herself. She respects Casey as well...not many Generals have so much time for a Colonel they command but Beckman has shown her loyalty to Casey and the team in the past and in this episode in particular.

The meeting at the empty bar over a bottle of contraband Nicaraguan spirits (my guess is rum?) was a stroke of genius; the General drinking out the bottle was a very nice touch. These two grizzled veterans reminiscing of tough times in which the strongest bonds are forged.  How lucky Chuck and Sarah are that these two people are willing to risk so much to help out the Bartowski family.

Both Beckman and Casey have distinguished military careers and service records with the US government; Casey also has a civilian daughter but neither will leave Chuck and Sarah in the hour of need. Despite the protests the two have made about the Chuck/Sarah relationship in the past both Casey and Beckman will fight to ensure Chuck and Sarah are safe now and in the future.

Chuck's behaviour in this episode has driven the General & Colonel to drink... more!!

5. Never Forget your P.A.N.T.S.

 How I love a good acronym; Zoom gave us Operation Toes In The Sand (or T.I.T.S.) and Curse gives us the key to all great nerd-spies... P.A.N.T.S (or Private Artifacts Never To Share)!!

I love the little touches of Chuck's nifty nerd neurosis; one of the many reasons why Chuck is my broski! Though the smoking hot wife is a pretty good reason too!

Chuck knows the only man he can trust with his P.A.N.T.S is Morgan; and the bearded one did come through for his best bud thanks in part to a huge assist from Alex (which I discussed earlier).

On a side note I never thought Alex would want to get a look at what is inside Chuck's P.A.N.T.S? I wonder if this hurt Morgan a little and I hope for Alex's sake Sarah doesn't find out; Sarah could well be the jealous type. See how much fun I am having with this is just so cool!!

Finally my favourite part of the episode didn't actually happen on screen... it was on reflection that I thought wouldn't it be cool if we see Sarah in Chuck's P.A.N.T.S?... 

What?! I was talking about a photo of Sarah Walker (Bartowski) in Chuck's Private Artifacts Never To Share. What did you all think I was talking about?  Ok maybe I was thinking that too!! ;-) These 'shipper tendencies are pretty hard to fight!!

I told you this acronym is cool... I have so many more jokes I could use but I think I need to leave it at that!

Till next time guys..

Have a happy and (most importantly) safe holiday season!

If this doesn't get in Chuck's P.A.N.T.S... nothing will!

PS: I am so looking forward to the next Chuck ep and I am quite bullish about it...Shaw is gonna get it! Why am I bullish? To paraphrase the words of Michael Hutchence "They can never tear Charah apart"!

PPS: I am betting the General puts down the recalcitrant Shaw...for good! C'MON BECKMAN

Friday, 16 December 2011

Chuck Music- Season 5 Power Rankings

Blogger's note: Like every other season of CHUCK, Season 5 has had some great music. So I just wanted to take the chance to pay tribute to some of the Chuck tunes that have singing out loud on my walk home from work. Fellow walkers, runners and cyclists of Darwin I apologise if you have had the misfortune of hearing me butchering any of these great songs...and the dance moves, I apologise for those too!  I just get lost in the music I guess...

I have ranked the following songs by my personal listening preference at the moment, next week the same songs may change order or another may enter just depends how I feel. Rankings current to the end of Chuck Versus The Hack Off

1. Blind Pilot - Half Moon 

Album -We are the Tide

As heard on - Chuck Versus The Bearded Bandit

Just a great track, really well used on the show with Sarah diffusing Chuck's crisis of confidence as a handler in a way that only Sarah can. I don't know what else to say but it just sounds like a Chuck and Sarah song... Kudos to the guys and gals of Portland's own Blind Pilot and if you like this track too; do yourselves a favour and pick up the album We are the Tide. It is really is a great to listen to if you are going for run like Chuck or a leisurely walk like me, besides Half Moon I can also recommend Keep You Right and the title track (We are the Tide).

Blind Pilot setting the pace in the Chuck music Power Rankings

2. Typhoon - The Honest Truth  

AlbumA New Kind of House

As heard on - Chuck Versus The Zoom

This song is so close to being number 1, I was even tempted to place at equal at 1 with Half Moon...who knows maybe it will be at the 1 spot when the power rankings reconvene?

Why do I like the song? Well the theme of the song suits the journey of Chuck in Season 5..."All this time I walked a filed line" believing that the CIA/NSA mostly had good intentions and followed their instructions (more often than not). "All my time I've been so blind" Chuck's realisation that the conspiracy to get him is still on... But most of all is the idea that you need to man (or woman) up and face your problem in life not "Piss and Moan" and manning up is exactly what Chuck did at the end of Zoom creating the plan to save his team and himself!

3. Blizen Trapper - Love The Way You Walk Away

Album - American Goldwing

As heard on - Chuck Versus The Hack Off

Not a melodic or memorable as Furr and different to God & Suicide which have both featured on previous CHUCK eps; Love The Way You Walk Away has the top-tapping country feel where as the others were more campfire songs I guess. The track really suits the angst of the situation in CHUCK where it is used where Verbanski and Morgan break Casey out of prison and Verbanski tells the Sugar Bear she has to leave for a while to allow the heat to die down.

Just a great track to listen to out on the open road with the windows down signing along! If you really like this track you may just enjoy the rest of Blitzen Trapper's American Goldwing album in particular the tracks My Hometown and Girl in a Coat.

For those at home counting... yes that does make it 3 out of 3 for bands from Portland, Oregon (though Typhoon were originally from Salem, OR). Rock on PDX you could say from all the exposure on CHUCK the Portland music scene has come up smelling of roses! ;-)

Portland - Spiritual home of the CHUCK song

4. New Young Pony Club - Ice Cream

Album - New Young Pony Club EP

As heard on - Chuck Versus The Zoom

Not usually into this sort of music but Sarah Bartowski talked me into it... she is quite persuasive that way!

More than enough reason to like this song..

5. Hotel Lights - Through The Crowd

Album - Girl Graffiti

As heard on - Chuck Versus The Frosted Tips

Just a very chilled track that you can sit back to relax to, a bit of a slow burner. Since first hearing it on Frosted Tips the song has slowly grown on me... which is always nice.  It sort of mirrors Morgan's road to redemption, a slow process that begins with a single step...and a set of Star Wars sheets.

I LOVE the Star Wars sheets; I have an Empire Strikes Back set just like it!

Honourable mentions

Simian Ghost – “Take My Hand And Lead Me Home

Heartless Bastards – “Only For You

Thursday, 15 December 2011

Five Chunks of CHUCK

Vs. The Hack-off

Bloggers note: This is posted a little earlier this week... maybe not as good as my usual stuff but my excuse is that I have been a little under the weather this week! Nothing like a new episode of CHUCK to get you feeling better. Those of you on twitter remember to tweet your #OneWordReviews for what you thought of Chuck versus The Curse once you've seen it tomorrow.

1.Piranha is 1337

It is always great to seeing Chuck put his skills to work, especially when it is all him and not from the intersect. Chuck was 1337 before he downloaded the intersect and it was truly awesome to see him as "The Piranha" (and his routine) pwning the other hackers like they were n00bz! Seeing Chuck in his element can be just as much fun as watching Sarah fight or Casey shoot; you just gotta respect an artist and his (or her) craft be it bullet, blade or...binary code!

It was also great to see how much Sarah enjoys nerdy, confident Chuck; it seems she finds Chuck ability with code both sexy and disconcerting...much the same as Chuck views her wicked knife skills.

Sarah never knew a piranha could be so cute...or nerdy!!

2. In the right direction with Zach Levi

 This is the third episode of CHUCK directed by Zach (the others being The Beard & The Leftovers) and I believe he did a great job! I had a whole lot of fun with this episode, probably my favourite of the season so far. Seeing as he spent some of the episode el buffo next to a similarly el buffo Yvonne; he definitely has a lot of focus. The episode also carried along plot of the season well, it was definitely not a filler and it added some new mythology to CHUCK as well.

The director lead by example when he said he wanted raw performances from his actors

3. Morgan and The Buymorons

Good story-arc for Morgan, the bearded one is still feeling guilty about his intersect meltdown (and probably for the frosted tips in his hair too!!) so attempts to put some good karma in the bank as he plays peacemaker between Jeff and Lester...a reverse Yoko I guess. But the now Sage-like Jeff saw through Morgan's ulterior motive and explained that Morgan really needed to make it up to those he hurt.

We all knew Morgan was desperate to atone for his sins...truth is that Chuck loves him like a brother and despite how he hurt him he could not stay mad at him. As for Sarah; she was the one who convinced the rest that Morgan was sick (and not evil) in Frosted Tips. Whist Morgan has grown on Sarah, I think the reason she was able to forgive him so quickly is because she know just how much the "little man" means to Chuck and if he has forgiven Morgan then she does too.

Now Casey...that one is a little tougher; Semper Fi to the core Casey will have your back in a fire fight no matter what but he expects the same and doesn't suffer fools lightly. This was the mistake Morgan made in Casey's eyes not only was he not loyal to the team, friends and his girlfriend Alex (Casey's daughter) but he also was let slip the secret of the intersect putting all of these people in danger as well.  Since they started teaming together more and more Casey has never questioned Morgan's guts and courage but he was hurt by Morgan's betrayal. Casey let Morgan into his inner circle which made the betrayal even worse.

By backing Verbanski up and breaking him out of jail; Morgan made a small step on the road to redemption with Casey.

On a lighter note...Who would have thought Lester would be protecting Casey from the fellow inmates in Prison...only on CHUCK could a little Hinjew send huge prison yard bullies scurrying with a threat to "pull their plugs"

4.Verbanski plays for keeps as Decker goes to pieces

Wow...Holy smokes I did not expect that from Gertrude Verbanski, I knew spies were meant to be cold...but that right there was as cold as the other side of the pillow; She freaking blew up Decker!!

I was thinking Decker would be the big bad pulling the strings for the whole of season but I guess not...clean up in aisle 12 Verbanski has made a mess!

Some great action and excitement in this episode; when you consider we had Verbanski, Casey, Sarah and Chuck (as the Piranha) in action... there was more BAMFs than a Nightcrawler comic!!!

Too awesome for this caption... I got nothing more to add

Props to Carrie-Anne Moss boy did she hit it out of the park in this episode, Verbanski was a great blend of scary force of nature with just a hint of human frailty. Total hard-ass who only softens in the presence of the "Sugar Bear". It was great of the writers to bring in a strong character like Verbanski who mirrors many of the strong attributes of like loyalty, duty, toughness and even a lack of lady-feelings. Gertrude Verbanski also showed a determination to do anything to protect those she holds (John Casey) and by extension those he holds dear as well (The rest of Team Bartowski/Carmichael Industries). Much like Casey did at the end of Business Trip 

John Casey deserves a love interest and think he is getting to the stage of his life where he has given so much to the country at the expense of many personal privileges others take for granted like a family or a home. What does he have to show for it, a government who throws him in jail? 

At least with Verbanski, Casey has a chance at life away from the spy life...eventually.

Which brings us to...

5. Charah: What does life after the spy life hold continued...?

It seems the replaced the will they-won't they Chuck and Sarah love angst of Seasons 1-3 with Chuck and Sarah will they-won't they quit the spy life angst in Season 5. Whatever happens they will be doing it together with no secrets or lies between the two...I hope!

It is like they are falling for each other, all over again... how sweet!!

At least the powers that be are keeping this theme constant through the season, which is great to see because it is a natural progression for both the characters. Chuck broached the subject of he and Sarah creating a life & business for themselves away from the spy world; this was understandably met with fear from Sarah.  Her only job has been as a CIA operative/spy for her entire adult life; but if she could only see herself how Chuck sees a smart, adaptable, resilient person who has the potential to do whatever she puts her mind on.

But by the end of the episode things got real serious...real fast; maybe it had just a little to do with Verbanski blowing up a group of CIA agents! Like Chuck said they've gotta be the best spies they can be to get out of this alive. Not if but when they make it out of this alive Chuck and Sarah will be able to discuss it further. At least they are communicating on this...which for these two is a big step!

The key to living a life away from the spy world is getting out alive...

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Bands of Charah: Florence + The Machine

Wow... the final days of CHUCK filming seems to have hit everybody hard, me included! I thought I would get through a lot more posts in the sabbatical between CHUCK eps and for that I apologise! But I really hope you all enjoy this one focusing on one the hottest acts in music right now Florence Welch (aka Florence + The Machine) and Chuck & Sarah, the hottest couple in TV...ever!

My reason for choosing Florence + The Machine for this second Bands of Charah post is simple... I love her beautiful voice, in many ways it reminds me of Sarah Walker. Why you ask can a voice remind me of Sarah Walker? Well, Florence Welch's voice is just remarkably beautiful but it also has a primal raw energy that can over-power you; call it the aural or musical equivalent of a Sarah Walker beatdown

But special credit for this post idea has to go to the very awesome and supremely talented @jenmaxner, Jen really is one of the great CHUCK fans out there on twitter and definitely worth a follow if you love talking CHUCK. We have bonded over many things including a shared enjoyment of Florence + The Machine. So Jen I particularly hope you enjoy the following post.

Sarah's Choice: Shake it out
Album: Ceremonials

For starters this song is just so amazing the lyrics are amazing and Flo's voice... holy smokes!! You know how you hear or see something so beautiful that you throw your hands up and say "I don't think I could ever be THAT good or create something THAT beautiful no matter how hard I work!!" It must be the gift of a higher power...or something like that! But then you could argue the same about a certain leggy blonde super spy... But I digress...again!

 I seem to be distracted...for the life of me I don't know why?

Anyway back to the is just spooky how they reflect the life of Agent Sarah Walker before beginning her life together with Chuck. Let's face it Sarah Walker came with baggage; and despite the chivalrous offer of Chuck "to be her own personal baggage handler"... Sarah was always one to keep her issues strong and not let anyone in. It has been discussed at length that Sarah's life as the daughter of a Con-man and then a CIA agent meant of life of keeping secrets, dealing with life-threatening situations and especially not letting anyone in on how you are feeling or what you are thinking. 

Meeting Chuck and getting to know him as a person and spending time with his family she looks back on the life she has led and her regrets in life; the metaphorical "ghouls coming out to play and demons wanting their pound of flesh" but despite Chuck's insistence to know more about his friend and handler she is still hesitant to let Chuck inside the walls she built...but Chuck is nothing if not persistent and eventually took down the walls brick by brick. Sarah begins to understand that he just wants to know her because he loves her; Chuck realises he doesn't need to know everything about her past but he wants to be involved in everything to do with Sarah future! Any devils or demons Sarah has to face...Chuck will stare them down with her every step of the way, never taking a backward step simply because Sarah Walker means that much to him!

In many ways the melancholic nature of this song reminds me of dreaded first half of Season 3...Sarah often feels that the devils and demons of the spy life have corrupted Chuck and not only can she not be with him now but she can't see a future with him either. Most of all Sarah will never forgive herself for corrupting the soul of Chuck.

And it's hard to dance with a devil (or Daniel Shaw) on your back...

Silly Sarah didn't count on Chuck irrepressible chutzpah...he is her Chuck and always will be her Chuck! By The American Hero's Down-River moment the realisation eventually permeates into her hard-headed spy skull and she gets it!! That is the epiphany moment...

 And I'm damned if I do and I'm damned if I don't
So here's to drinks in the dark at the end of my road
And I'm ready to suffer and I'm ready to hope
It's a shot in the dark and right at my throat
Cause looking for heaven, for the devil in me
Looking for heaven, for the devil in me
Well what the hell I'm gonna let it happen to me

Sarah knows despite the asset/handler/partner taboos and her dark history that she loves Chuck and Chuck loves her and she can no longer live in fear of this...She has to lay it on the line for a chance at a life with Chuck; just as he does for her in Paris!

With the love and support of Chuck (as well as the rest of the Bartowski gang) she can shake it out!!

Not sure this is what the song meant by "Shake it out"...but it works for me!!

Chuck's Choice: Dog Days
Album: Lungs

Let's face it Chuck's life before he met Sarah Walker had gone stagnant; he worked in a dead-end job and was letting his talent and intellect go to waste but then she walked into the Buy More...

Happiness hit him like a train on a track
Coming towards him stuck still no turning back
He hid around corners and he hid under beds
He killed it with kisses and from it he fled
Life with the intersect and teaming Sarah & Casey allowed Chuck to realise his true calling as the every-man hero and eventually as the leader of men he is now! At the beginning he wanted nothing more than to get rid of the intersect from his head...but he had to "run" with the spy life to keep alive and protect his family...

 Run fast for your mother, run fast for your father
Run for your children, for your sisters and brothers
Leave all your loving, your loving behind
You cant carry it with you if you want to survive

The dog days are over
The dog days are done
Can you hear the horses?
'Cause here they come

But when given a chance to live without the intersect and have a normal life (most likely without Sarah)...he chose to continue to "run" again with the spy life because he could make a difference to the world and because he loved Sarah and in all honesty being around Sarah Walker makes Chuck want to be a better man.

This song is about chasing opportunity... leaving your comfort zone and the life you know to chase something better and more rewarding! This is what Chuck did; he made the choice to be an agent because Sarah showed him that he could make a difference and how could he live with himself going back to his own life knowing what was happening at the coal-face with operatives like Casey and especially Sarah.

Make no mistake though, more than anything the opportunity Chuck was chasing after was a chance to have life together with Sarah, the women he loves! Once he knew Sarah felt the same way, nothing on this earth (or in the universe) was going to stop Chuck from making this a reality...not Beckman...not The CIA...not The Ring and most definitely not Daniel "Frakkin" Shaw!

As long as Chuck has the love of Sarah and the support of his family and friends; the dog days are well and truly over and may the halcyon days begin!

I agree with you two... I am just relieved the Shaw episodes were finally over too!

Both of these songs invoke memories of what life was like for Sarah and Chuck before they met each other...

Sarah Walker was brilliant spy who dedicated her life to the protection of her country and was a true hero. But she was a lonely also soul who threw herself into the spy life with no family support to anchor her in the real world.

Chuck has a great (albeit different) family to which he is the emotional centre; he could not be a better brother to his older sister Ellie and her boyfriend Devon. He is a great friend and especially loyal to his best friend (Morgan) and other work colleagues who are not always easy to get along with or for that matter... even like. But he has lost all confidence in himself, the whole world can see he is meant for better things but he just can not. The sad truth was the Jill and Stanford experience really did a number on him!

Separately both are good people who have a lot to be proud of; but both have flaws...but together? Wow, they just complete each other and both become greater than what they were before. The whole of Chuck and Sarah (Charah) are much more than the sum of their parts!

This to me is perhaps one of the greatest things about the show;  the idea that trust, love and respect can drive people on to greater heights...

  • It made made Sarah open up her emotions and believe that she can be more than just a CIA the point where she can be considered the emotional heart of Team Bartowski/Carmichael Industries (in episodes such as DeLorean, American Hero, Phase 3 and Frosted Tips).
  • It gives Chuck the confidence to believe he can both be a hero and a leader of men, hard to believe when we are first introduced to him.
I think we can all agree that both Chuck Bartowski and Sarah Walker are individually very good characters but together they transcend their flaws and enrich each other to become really awesome together!

Dog Days?...Over!!

PS: I know how hard the end of Chuck filming has hit me and I guess most of you Chucksters out there may feel the same! I want to say that talking and sharing experiences of CHUCK with others has been of some consolation and thanks to all you guys!!

I am proud to call myself part of the CHUCK fanbase; it really is an awesome group of people!

I also want to share a video made by the talented (and recently flippant) @dren_lla  who made a simple yet poetic and moving Thank You Chuck video... Top marks rookie!! ;-)

Enjoy the Versus The Hack-Off and Five Chunks of CHUCK will be back next week (with an all new bonus section)

Till next we meet... Be Awesome!!

Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Bands of Charah: Playlist for Chuck & Sarah

Versus The Snow Patrol

Blogger's Note: It comes as no surprise to you guys that I obsess over many aspects CHUCK constantly, one area in particular is the music which I think is brilliant; I have yet to meet or speak to a fan of the show that doesn't agree. I am at the point now where I hear a song and think..."you know what? This song would be great on CHUCK!"

However, the Bands of Charah blogs are a little different, they will focus on two songs from one band (or singer)...each of the songs describe the Chuck and Sarah relationship but one will be Chuck's point of view and the other from Sarah's!

Just like at their wedding; each had different vows to put into words the depth of love, honour and respect for the other. The choice of songs will reflect that, the songs may reflect how they've felt about each other now, previously or always...anyways if I do my job and write it properly; you will understand what I mean!
Ok so the first band to get the Bands of Charah treatment is Northern Ireland's own Snow Patrol, I could have chosen any number of Songs from the album "Eyes Open" in particular Chasing Cars and Open your eyes are both great songs but neither were chosen only 2 tracks could make the cut...I am so sure of the two songs I have chosen that I believe you could read the lyrics of both songs and instantly see Chuck and Sarah written all over them!

Chuck's Choice: Signal Fire
Album: Spiderman 3 Official Motion Picture Soundtrack

The Perfect words never crossed Chuck's mind...'cause there was nothing but Sarah!!

Right from the moment Chuck downloaded the intersect he found himself wrapped up in a world of lies, spies, death and mayhem...a world Chuck was not equipped to deal with! But through it all Sarah (and Casey) has been there to help him to deal with it and not freak out!

The only resolution and the only joy...Is the faint spark of forgiveness in your eyes

Early on Sarah realised just how different Chuck was from any other asset and more so than Casey she took it upon herself to make sure she guided him to safety on each mission. Sarah's investment in both the physical and mental well-being of the Human Intersect in the early days of Operation Bartowski saved Chuck more time I think then any other regular handler. It was of course not the Human Intersect who was Sarah's main concern it was Chuck the man..."her Chuck" but Beckman and Casey didn't have to know that!!

The world of lies, spies and national security can change people no matter how honest or heroic they may be...Chuck is no different; but luckily he's always had Agent Sarah Walker!

Hold me close, 'cause I need to guide me to safety

She is Chuck's "Signal Fire" and despite her willingness to do whatever it takes to takes to save the day she knows Chuck is not wired that way and she has ALWAYS been there to be his moral in Versus the Tic-Tac where Chuck could have easily killed the ring agents going after Casey's ex-wife.

In many way's Sarah's belief has made Chuck a better man... a great man even! Chuck will be the first to admit he couldn't do it without (his Signal Fire) Sarah holding him close and guiding him to safety.

Sarah's Choice: You're All I Have
Album: Eyes Open

This song just has primal urgency and passion that I associate with Sarah's love for is like Chuck's love has created a chance for Sarah to live the life she always wanted but never knew she could a have. After Chuck is her home...and always has been!

This song is about Sarah never wanting to lose this and the intense feeling of desperation that the thought of losing Chuck creates my favourite examples are Versus the Marlin and Phase 3. When this does actually occur; Sarah gets all fight and no flight...I mean bad ass does not even come close to describing it!! She tore up an entire freaking country for him and I can guarantee you no pita girl is safe... Sarah has no fear because Chuck is all she has and quite frankly she is not sure a life without him is a life she wants to live!

Just give me something to hold onto...

From what we can tell Sarah never had a great family life and whilst Chuck's family wasn't exactly perfect either he had Morgan, Ellie and Devon to lean on when time got tough...Sarah never had this luxury, she had the CIA. But now Chuck's family is her family and she has no plans of letting go...ever!

She knows how much of a gift and blessing both Chuck and his family (...HER family now too) are. Family is what you make of it and you will have to go a very long way to find one as loyal and committed to each other as the extended Bartowski (Woodcomb, Casey & Grimes) family; this for me was my favourite part of Versus The Business Trip.

These songs tell the story of why the Chuck and Sarah relationship is so great...epic even!!

 Sarah helped unlock Chuck's potential (and in many ways his true calling) as a hero and a leader; it was Sarah who always there to guide him along the way and we've lost count of the number of time she has saved him (physically & emotionally)!!

Chuck has shown Sarah that she not only can have a real life with the man she loves... but that she DESERVES a real life with unconditional love and a family to boot! Chuck showed her the power of love and trust, why it is so special and how it can spur you on to greater heights.

Under your skin feels like home...

Together they have saved each other countless times and best of all the make each other a better people!  Without a doubt Charah is so much more than the sum of their parts; what they have is so brilliant I have created a word description in their honour... Reciprocally Awesome!!

ALERT: Moggy's Public Awareness Soapbox

PS: I also wanted to give a shout-out to all other Movember participants; congratulations on a job well done! With the month coming to the end tomorrow...I am definitely looking forward to shaving off my terrible excuse for a moustache!! But it was definitely worth it to raise awareness (and money) for such a worthy cause, men's health issues are not often discussed; issues like Prostate Cancer and Male Depression need to be talked about more often!

It is still deeply ingrained in the male culture (especially in Australia) that to suffer in silence is a sign of strength and to speak about you problems is to show weakness...but to me wanting to stick around with those you love no matter how difficult it may be takes courage!!

So guys out there get checked out and stay healthy or if you are feeling to somebody!!

You owe it to yourself and you it to those who love you!!